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Which one is your lamp?
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Albus DumbledoreIn ancient Anatolia, this lamp was said to be the guide for travelers. Its colorful mosaic was believed to hold the essence of distant lands and the spirit of homecoming, making it a cherished heirloom among nomadic tribes.
Table LampThis lamp, with its intricate design, was known as the “Lamp of Wisdom.” In ancient Persian tales, scholars and poets would light such a lamp during their study hours, believing that its light could spark creativity and clarity of mind. It was passed down through generations as a token of intellectual pursuits and was revered as a symbol of enlightenment.
Swan LampThe Swan Lamp holds a romantic legacy. It was a wedding gift in Ottoman culture, symbolizing purity and everlasting love. Couples believed that if this lamp was lit on the night of the full moon, it would bring harmony and passion into their lives. The graceful swan shape represented elegance and loyalty, making it a perfect emblem of a loving partnership.
Short Table LampIn Turkish villages, this lamp was traditionally known as the “Festival Lamp.” Its vibrant colors were meant to celebrate life, joy, and abundance. During harvest season, families would light this lamp and place it by their windows, symbolizing gratitude and inviting prosperity for the next season. Each color in the mosaic represented different crops and blessings.
Moon LampThe Moon Lamp has ties to an old Anatolian legend where it was known as the “Protector of Dreams.” It was believed that the goddess of the night gifted these lamps to humans so that their dreams could be safeguarded. If one lit this lamp before sleep, it was said to keep nightmares at bay and grant visions of one’s true desires. The crescent shape represents protection under the moon's watchful eye.
Swan LampThe Swan Lamp holds a romantic legacy. It was a wedding gift in Ottoman culture, symbolizing purity and everlasting love. Couples believed that if this lamp was lit on the night of the full moon, it would bring harmony and passion into their lives. The graceful swan shape represented elegance and loyalty, making it a perfect emblem of a loving partnership.
Candle HolderThis candle holder, also called the “Star of Wishes,” is inspired by a tale from the Silk Road. Merchants believed that lighting this holder with a single candle would ensure safe passage for their wishes to the stars. The colorful star design was believed to enhance the power of one’s dreams and intentions, sending them into the universe for fulfillment.